Today's complex challenges require regenerative leadership.

The unsolvable social and developmental challenges of today are interconnected across workforce, economy, and ecosystems. Effective leadership approaches must be systemic and holistic to be dynamically in sync with what’s emerging.

In this cohort, we start by asking: how can I become a Regenerator, a leader who co-creates a flourishing organization in a thriving ecosystem where our people come alive?

It's time for a new leadership paradigm.

The old systems and structures of a post-industrial hyper-consumerist culture are slowly breaking down. One example of this is our failure to make progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

To solve our unsolvables, we must reconfigure systems and structures and instill new business practices that actually contribute to life on Earth rather than destroying it.

Join my leadership cohort to learn new leadership practices, new business models and new ways of collaborating and creating value.

The secret is applying the management principles of living systems to organizations.

Our external ecosystems are a reflection of the way we run our inner ecosystems. The way we manage our internal ecosystems – disconnection, professional masking, controlling, minimizing, extracting value – has diverged from nature’s wisdom. 

Yesterday’s leadership helped us navigate complicated challenges: the Industrial Revolution, world wars and disease. The underlying mindset of this style of leadership is based on commanding and controlling nature’s unlimited resources for the unrestricted growth and profit of mankind. Today we know that earth’s resources are finite. And in living organisms, we learned that unchecked growth is cancer

We need a new paradigm, one that uses the magnificent wisdom of the earth to build a new style of ecosystem management that regenerates and restores, rather than extracting value for unhindered growth. 

Let’s come together to invest in learning to apply nature’s management secrets to our internal systems to transform our teams, cultures and societies.

Regenerative leadership is learned.

None of our current leadership and few of our incoming leaders were trained in a regenerative style of leadership. The good news is that not only can these skills be learned, but studies also show that internal development engenders greater meaning, life satisfaction, trust, and connection. 

Join my leadership cohort to learn a style of leadership that starts with self-leadership that transforms global outcomes.

What you sign-up for...

A 6-month bespoke leadership training programme that we co-create based on your context. 

What you get...

Following a multidisciplinary curriculum, based on ideas and concepts drawn from systemic transformation theories and methodologies we build a framework for your new leadership paradigm and define the outcomes you want to create. For each piece, we create a personalized roadmap with actionable strategies you can use immediately.

What you transform...

  • Your internal complexity broadens and deepens to match the complexity of today’s interconnected challenges.
  • Your approach to life and leadership reflects a new mindset that mimics the wisdom of living systems.
  • Your external ecosystem mirrors the development of your internal system such that unsolvable challenges become balanced polarities that enable progress.
  • The impossible becomes possible as your navigate your unsolvable challenges from a different space. New possibilities emerge that reflect what’s emerging in you.
  • Your personal well-being: you simple feel better. Living in integrity and harmony with nature brings a connection to the wider world, a sense of meaning and purpose, and joy in using your talents for good.

Contact me for a free discussion of what your new leadership paradigm would look like.