Develop healthy work-life balance

Hi I’m Megan,

I help changemakers accept and use all part of themselves – their whole selves – to unlock transformative outcomes in themselves and the people they lead.

If you are a changemaker, you care deeply about your impact on the world. Your want to heal societies and the social ills therein.

Your ability to create the impact you want, depends on your level on consciousness.

If you aren’t seeing the impact you intend, it’s like you haven’t mastered the inner capacity to deal with your increasingly complex environment and challenges.

Let's work together to upgrade your internal operating system to achieve the impact you want to make.

We’ll take a journey into the three intelligences of the individual (heart, head, and gut) to look at the underlying mechanism that guides your motivations, thinking, feeling, and ultimately the choices you make.

Once we reveal the mental and emotional framework that guides your choices, we create a plan for testing the fundamental assumptions that make up your life instruction manual and rewrite those that prove untrue.

As we do this, we also add apps to this mechanism that enhance the functionality – values, strengths, life orientation or approach, conflict management, and boundaries.

Once you bring all of these pieces together and begin using the new operating system – version 2.0 if you will – you are equipped to inhabit an entirely new way of being that opens or strengthens your self-authorship and ability to transform.


Like my work with individuals, I partner with you to look at the underlying psychological mechanism that is guiding the group dynamics and behavior of your teams, your organization. I analyze how the collective system can best introduce wholeness practices to support autonomy, self-trust, and psychological ownership. 

Inviting wholeness practices into our collective gatherings creates Brave Spaces, spaces where all collaborators can shift toward self-authoring mindsets. The challenges organizations face today require people innovate and respond when there are no norms or standards to follow. The challenges of today require new thinking.

New thinking requires we come from a different space, a space of expansion. A space where we trust ourselves and others and feel inspired to own and create.

To do that we need to create Brave Spaces whole principles, values, mindsets, structures, and processes that allow people to come together to do their best work, which impacts their engagement, creativity, and ultimately the bottom line of the enterprise.

Working together

My journey

My path to this work has been circuitous, switching from sales for a newspaper to business development and marketing for an international law firm in the US to programme management for a international NGO in public health sector in Switzerland.

What I realized is that the path has been very intentional – my journey has given me the exact experience and the skills I need to understand how our internal mechanism influences our way of being, which impacts our relationships, work, and outcomes.

Using my experience and training, I apply evidence-based tools to help you assess and build your capacity to be able to create adaptive solutions, ones that account for mindset and emotions, to drive lasting behavioral change.

Who I work with

I work with individuals on both personal and professional development either 1:1 or in groups. 

I work with organizations, assessing and coaching both executive leadership and teams.

My clients have included executive and mid-level partners from a wide range of organizations such as UNAIDS, WHO, UN Environment Programme, NHS, NRC – IDM, Deloitte, BrightCarbon, Interpeace, International AIDS Society, Project Angel Heart, Ashford Pointe, UICC, Schlumberger, HorseLearner, and Talos Digital.

My philosophy

I believe….

  • Wholeheartedly that we are all doing our best and could benefit from giving ourselves and each other the benefit of the doubt and some self-compassion
  • In the journey, rather than the destination. For me, the journey is the destination.
  • In energy. Everything – our “selves,” our emotions, our relationships, our thoughts – is energy and movement. Negative emotions and illness are highly correlated with stuck and toxic energy. 
  •  We can heal individually and collectively by learning how to process trauma, both small “t” trauma and capital “T” Trauma. 
  • We can do whatever we set our minds to if we believe in ourselves. Self-belief comes from self-compassion, emotional visualization and practice. 
  • Our self-belief and energetic state drive all our interactions with others. We relate to others through the lens of ourselves. 
  • Our level of consciousness determines our possibilities
  • We all have power. Our journey is to learn to harness our power for personal and collective benefit.
  • In Being, rather than Doing. First we are, then we do, then we have.
  • In lifelong practice.
  • Leadership and peace arise when we are vulnerable and compassionate with ourselves and others.
  • We are at a pivotal moment in time where the collective consciousness is transitioning to a higher level. 
  • We have a responsibility to learn to be, give and receive love.
  • We need to develop our psychological and emotional capacities to address social ills in a global economy characterized by rapid change, accelerating scientific and technological breakthroughs, and an unprecedented level of competitiveness.
  • When we work together, we will each have things to learn and teach each other than may not have been apparent at first.

More about me

Develop Confidence

In other news, I grew up a Californian beached in land-locked Oklahoma, currently living in Switzerland.

I am an adventurer, an introverted extrovert who feels freest hanging off the side of a cliff, a bookie, by which I mean I devour fiction about the human experience, a late-to-the-party devout meditator, and a dancing in the kitchen mother.

I love massages, coming-of-age-or-self dramas like Sex Education, skiing hell for leather down the slopes, and laying on the floor laughing helplessly with my son over nonsense.

I’m half overachiever – problems exist to be fixed, there’s nothing we can’t do if we set our mind to it, tell me I can’t and I will – and half spiritualist – think energy matrices and messages in the stars.

Medium, NYTimes, The Economist, The Upworthiest, The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté, Less by Andrew Greer, Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, Untamed by Glennon Doyle, Broken Open by Elizabeth Lesser, DOAC, The Next Big Idea and Unlocking Us podcasts top my required reading/listening lists.