
Why don’t I think I am enough: the secret

What do you do when you don’t feel like you’re enough?

You self-abandon. Every interaction is assessed using the assumption that others don’t believe you are capable or credible. Every following reaction, every choice, is designed to prove to others and yourself that you matter. You don’t show up authentically as you. That you strive to demonstrate to others that you are worthy, is in itself, choosing them, rather than choosing or believing in yourself.

You can learn to believe you are enough and stop self-abandoning. The secret is in self-compassion.

It IS possible to:

If you don’t think you can, why? Is it because you don’t believe you will be loved and accepted if you show your true self? Is it because you won’t be able to bear the emotional distress? Is it because you aren’t as deserving as others, so their needs come first?

At the heart of selling yourself out is a belief that you aren’t enough.

You aren’t worthy. If you don’t conform to others’ expectations, you won’t be accepted. You aren’t enough as you are to be loved unconditionally.

All your conclusions about self come from that basic premise. That fundamental TRUTH of your life runs through every decision you make. So you end up playing small, not taking risks. You don’t choose yourself because you don’t have the right to. You become a Russian doll, your wounded inner child hidden and numbed in layers of food or busyness. The disconnection can be so complete that you no longer connect the cause to the effect, this basic assumption to the pain. And yet the pain is still there, trapped in each nestled doll. You covered it, but you didn’t leave it behind.

Are you tired of not being able to say no? Are you tired of constantly proving you are enough?


Book a free discovery call today and let me partner with you, mirroring your magnificence and possibility back to you, until you can see your own light. Once you learn to believe in yourself, your whole life changes.